What are the Environmental Impacts?
As discussed in the Project History, improvements to the I-44/US-75 interchange have been studied and documented in the 1999 Major Investment Study, the 2002 Environmental Assessment, and the 2017 Preliminary Engineering Study. As the project is funded in part by federal funds through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the project is required to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and several other federal environmental laws and executive orders.
Following the 2017 Preliminary Engineering Study and the selection of the preferred alternative for the interchange, ODOT completed detailed environmental studies of the project area. These studies included:
Delineation of streams and wetlands
Identification of floodplain impacts
Assessment of threatened and endangered species and their habitat
Identification of archeological and historic resource (cultural resources)
Assessment of potential hazardous waste sites
Evaluation of impacts to parks
Study of traffic noise impacts
Environmental Justice study